

AGH!! Couldn’t resist…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — conner36 @ 01:30

So I’m closing my tabs for the night when I come across Star Wars Uncut. I was so close to not watching TV/Movies. But it’s Star Wars! Either way it’s awesome, I watched the first couple minutes of it and I have to say in the wake of SOPA/PIPA this couldn’t have been released at a better time. This video is living proof that creativity begets creativity, and should need royalties.

Artistry has been locked down by the Media Corporations. Every day that we don’t protest copyright law as it is, we give in… I’ll be ranting about my position on the whole copyright thing. I even wrote a paper for ENG 101 about it. (Essay3_BetsalelWilliamson- ENG101-AC10)

Well, this is my last tab open… Good night Internet.

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