


Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , , , — conner36 @ 12:02

So today in class my teacher was giving us the usual BS… people don’t know how to scroll a webpage… bla bla. So I’ve turned to thinking bigger and better things.

As I was surfing the web, toucharcade specifically, I saw a new social gaming service called GFace. Its being developed by Crytek, and about the only interesting thing about it is the possibility for same game, different gameplay based on device. That sparked my thoughts on how things are so often done poorly. I think the biggest reason is that people misuse the ideas of abstraction. People read abstract and thing guy who cut off his ear, or hey time to be lazy!, but abstraction is the key to humanity. It’s how humans developed language, built pyramids and most importantly how large teams of people develop video games! So often though mediocre work is done in the abstraction process and we’re stuck with GaGa instead of the Beatles.

It is so important that when we are thinking we think things through and don’t rest until the unseen part of the fence is painted, so to speak.


I forgot the point of this post…


I think I was trying to preach sound engineering or something to that effect…


Ok I remember. The point is to never accept what your teacher says until you have done the leg work yourself. There is so much to learn in the world that every time you come across something useful stash it away and abstract it. What that means is don’t just let it float in one ear and out the other, but go over the idea, write it down, polish it. Once you’ve got the idea fully down you will be able to abstract properly and use sometimes the most basic of ideas will stretch to fit most circumstances you find yourself in, and in the end the little bit of extra effort in the beginning, will pay you back many times more.

Effort is worth it, half-assery is the leading cause of ass-duchery. (more on ass-duchery later)


Me and TeVee…

Filed under: Blog — conner36 @ 21:11

Well I broke my tv fast and spent Saturday and Sunday nights watching some tv. I don’t know why I don’t just sleep instead. It’s a horrible thing to realize that I’m wasting time doing nothing but learning more pop culture references to Chuck, Archer and Star trek DS9.

So as February rolls around I have start thinking of something better to do during down time. What can I do for downtime that’s as relaxing as tv, doesn’t wake the sleepers (I’m not in my own place or piano would be my preferred activity), and is easy enough to do when I’m tired but don’t want to sleep? Technological devices with screens that keep me up are out.

I started another course at CCAC today. It’s an online course so I have to find 3-10 hrs a week to spend on the subject of Macroeconomics. This only adds to my problem. I guess I could figure out a way to nap so I still get a decent nights rest, but that’s not as appealing as doing something productive.

So starting February I’ll try to figure out a system to better utilize my time and become just a little better than yesterday me. One thing is for sure though, tv is out of the equation.

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