

An Interesting Seminar

Filed under: Uncategorized — conner36 @ 21:20

So tonight, I got a call around 3pm from a friend inviting me to an investment seminar. I have to say Burn Notice has definitely influenced my perception of these type of events. A few people in nice suits and tans definitely made me think SCAM more than once.

But after attending and going half in to take an investment course I have to say, I was presently surprised at what went on. For the most part the speaker was funny and repetitive. There were gimmick like tactics used to entice people to pay for the three day course, BUT as I see it there are people that followed a strict set of guidelines, learned tax code, and were paid to give this seminar. They presented just enough information on what would be taught, things like how to set up a rough IRA and make sure that your profits aren’t taxed. And most importantly that there is a difference between investments and a career. They are not mutually exclusive. The whole point of making money is so that you can make time for yourself and do the things you love. Money CAN make money, but you don’t need a whole lot to get started.

The seminar will be focused on how to get started and how to keep going. Ignoring the boring details, there are ways to be more committed and ways to keep things on the less time consuming side.

I’ve decided to become business partners with my friend and I hope things go well. We went halfsies on the course but can’t take it right away because they’re mostly on the weekends (we both keep Shabbat). A minor detail is that we’re both in college and so waiting to schedule the course for a more opportune time works out. That goes without saying though that best way to get started is to take the first step, so we’ll be meeting to talk more things over.

I wish both of us luck and hope it turns out for the best.

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