

To bed again…

I made it though today without watching TV! Instead I focused on the blog. I mostly ranted in an EDIT on my truth game, though I did learn about <dl> definition lists.

Word press has some HTML automation that can be annoying sometimes. It makes it harder to try and write code when every time you save, the code gets changed without telling you… 😦

I’m all ready for classes tomorrow. I read the first chapter in American Stories. It covered early american history from a context point of view. So mostly it was about how Spain, England and American natives were compelled to do things. Why Spain was there first, why England stayed out, and why the Americans were subdued.

  • Spain was an economic power held together by Religion.
  • England was in religious turmoil and creating it’s own religion
  • The South American natives were too in awe of horses to understand what was happening to them before it was too late.

In CIT 130, I finished the LabAssign1 which was a simple input two INTs and calculate a percentage using JOptionPane.

In CIT 125, I uploaded a simple webpage to the server and added minor information. Skimming through the whole text book on Saturday didn’t hurt either. I now know that class will be very boring for the next few weeks.

My last class about Macroeconomics doesn’t start until the 30th, so I have some time to start reading the book.

And with that, I’m off to bed. I hope that all this writing doesn’t rattle around in my head keeping me up…

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